Mercury just went direct on August 7 at 11:40 pm Mountain Daylight Time.
Here is an excerpt from Robert Wilkinson’s article on the end of this Mercury Retrograde period:
So at the end of this retrograde period, we find ourselves poised to use our times of being quarantined from certain people and situations to learn to play, or be creative, or find joy of natural and spontaneous self-expression. We are definitely at a fork in the road of our lives, both individually and collectively, and the next 4 months will prove very strange, with lots of obsessive-compulsive irrational behaviors happening everywhere. The world is definitely getting crazier and weirder by the day, and this stationary direct point activating the Grand Irrationality is only going to intensify the strange atmosphere!
Here is the link to the entire article, which as always, is highly recommended: