Useful Links
- The Spiritual Unity of Tribes-Gathering of Eagles: The Spiritual Unity of Tribes is a gathering of all people from all nations uniting spiritually through sharing and respecting each other’s traditions and philosophies of life. The Gatherings are a time to share prayers, stories, and teachings from the past and present for the enlightenment and upliftment of humanity. The next Gathering will be held in June 2020 at the Shambhalla Mountain Center North of Fort Collins, Colorado. For more information call or text
- 605-341-0724.
- Spiritual Unity of Tribes – Australia: The Australian Gatherings are living demonstrations of the ancient values of truth, peace, non-violence and love and have nurtured deep international connections. The first Australian Gathering was held at ‘Dja Willam’, near Daylesford, in 1999. The traditional custodians of this land are the Jaara people. The second Australian Gathering took place at Hatfield, NSW, in November, 1999 and the third was held at Lake Mungo, NSW, in April, 2000. The fourth gathering was held at Menindee Mission, NSW in September 2000. The fifth at Weldborough, Tasmania, January 2001. The sixth was at Wood Wood in Victoria, Easter 2002. The seventh was at Daylesford, Victoria, March 2005, the eighth at Menindee, NSW Nov.2005 and the 9th & 10th at the Coorong, S.A. March 2006 & 2007. The eleventh was at Kangaroo Island, Sth Aust. Sept 2007.
- Theosophy: Theosophy is the study of the Ageless Wisdom. It is not a religion, but seeks to identify the eternal truths embedded in all religions. Its motto is “There is no religion higher that truth.” It was founded in 1875 by H.P. Blavatsky and H.S. Olcott.
A Theosophical Library: 160 on-line books by Besant, Leadbeater, others
- Alice Bailey material: The Alice Bailey material is based on the teachings of the Tibetan Master Djwal Khul. Some people consider it to be the graduate school of Theosophy. For additional information on the writings of Alice Bailey, Triangles, and Full Moon Groups go to:
- Aquarius Papers: Global Astrology: Using Astrology, Spirit, and Archetypes to move and groove through the intersections of fate and free will. Robert Wilkinson is my dear friend and astrology instructor. Please visit his site often. You will be glad that you did.
- World Harmony Unlimited: Description quoted from their site: “With mindful intent, we document on film and digital video, the knowledge, insights and stories of those who believe in spreading messages of faith, hope, love, truth, peace, and unity.”
Breadroot Cooperative: Through cooperative effort, a group of people can do what each person alone might never be able to do. A co-op puts business ownership, such as a grocery store, in the hands of people who otherwise would not have the means. Our motto, “Member owned, open to all,” reflects the fact that Breadroot Cooperative is democratically controlled by the members, and it suggests that not only is the co-op open to all people, but that the store is not for members only. You don’t have to be a member to shop here. A cooperative is best defined as “an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.” Breadroot Cooperative was incorporated in November 2000, and opened for business in January 2001. Our purpose is stated in the articles of incorporation: To promote community involvement in the production, procurement, and distribution of natural and organic foods and other goods and services for healthy living.