The Black Hills Full Moon Group will meet on Thursday, December 27, 2012 at 6:30 pm. It will be at our home in Rapid City and will be a potluck.
Those of us with IQ’s over room temperature have always known that the true Mayan Elders NEVER EVER said that the world would end on the Winter Solstice of December 21. What they have always said is that it would be the end of an Era, and the beginning of a new Era. That of course is exactly what is happening. We are fortunate to have Felipe Gonzales give us information from the real Mayan Indigenous Elders in Guatemala. Here is a link to a recent article concerning this very important shift in Human History:
Our work is based on the writings of the Tibetan Master Djwal Khul as recorded by Alice Bailey. For more information on the writings of Djwal Khul, The Great Invocation, and the New Group of World Servers see:
Please connect with the group soul this Full Moon no matter where you are physically on the planet. Get together with friends and family. You will be glad that you did. Come on over to our place Thursday evening and celebrate with us, or celebrate wherever you are.
The Full Moon of Cancer-Capricorn 2012 Pt. 1 – Deepening Our Experience, Finding Our Role, Playing It Gladly
by Robert Wilkinson
We’ve got a Full Moon coming! This Full Moon at 8 Capricorn-Cancer is deep, sensitive, self-organizing, penetrating, and offers us all the possibility of moving into a higher way of life through imitating whatever is needed to feel that life as ours. This two weeks opens the door to a life renewal for those who “hear the call,” and through showing mastery at “flying by the seat of the pants,” many will find themselves accepting higher responsibilities……..This initiating and intensely magnetic Full Moon increasing personal power and sensitivity falls at 8 degrees of Capricorn and Cancer. This Lunation, helping us settle into playing enjoyable roles expressed through imitative behavior, occurs December 28 at 3:21 am MST, 5:21 am EST, and 10:21 am Greenwich (UT).
An overview of this period ruled by this Full Moon shows it will illuminate our ability to enjoy playing a role we were born to play while accepting certain limitations as more boon than bondage. This is where we show personal authorship in the social-emotional realm through shining the light of the fears we’ve overcome since Spring 2012.
The focus of the light will reveal a new way to experience life and grow into a higher state through “imitative behavior.” Many will find the core of their strength they can reference as a bulwark of security amidst the total chaos promised by this Lunation.
When in doubt, fall back on your humanitarian inclinations, find that which holds scattered impulses together, overcome insecurity through patience, compassion, and forgiveness. It will also be important to keep in mind that we’re ALL moving through a very powerful Yod, or Finger of God, that is the focus of this Lunation. That’s because the Sun is conjunct Pluto, sextile Saturn, and quincunx Jupiter, reigniting the “expansion through sacrifice” theme of the Solstice. Links to articles about these at the end of this post.
This Full Moon will ultimately be stabilizing and comforting for those who confront the deep transformations promised by the Sun conjunct Pluto sextile Saturn. No Fear!! This is squeezing out all the mental chatter that would deflect us away from the productive concentration of magnetism promised by the sextile…..
© Copyright 2012 Robert Wilkinson
As always, The entire article contains much more information. There are many excellent articles about the Solstice, the Shift, and these very special times we are in over at Robert’s most incredible site:
In the midst of this momentous evolutionary shift please remember to breathe and know that the Planetary Elders are in charge. Now is a very good time to unplug from the negative news and find the calm center within each of us. Check out There is a plan. It is Light and Love. It is working out – sealing the door where evil dwells. Light and Love and Power are restoring the plan on Earth. So mote it be. And so it is.
Namaste. Mitakuye Oyasin.
Pax Vobiscum.
Clay and Mary Ellen Uptain
4105 Woodbine Place
Rapid City, SD
From Main Street at the Gap take Jackson Boulevard south to Canyon Lake Drive. Turn right onto Canyon Lake Drive. Go five blocks, one block past Minnnekahta. Turn right into Woodbine, and ours is the second house on the right – 4105. Our street is a half block long with no through exit.
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