The Black Hills Full Moon Group will meet at our home on Saturday May 5, 2012 at 6:30 pm. It is a potluck. The actual Full Moon will occur at 9:36pm Mountain Standard Time Saturday May 5, 2012. This is the Full Moon of Taurus/Scorpio. It is the Wesak Festival of the Buddha.
From our friends at
2012 Taurus Meditation Theme’s meditation focus for the Taurus 2012 cycle relates to The Wesak ~ Festival of Shamballa and emphasizes the Life aspect of Divinity.
Wielding the Electric Fire of Life We Ignite
The Seed Releasing Life More Abundant in Our World
The Divine Purpose of the Wesak Festival is expressed in our intent for the annual Festival at the full moon in Taurus ~ “The quality of Divine Love-Wisdom should pour into the body of humanity through the medium of those disciples whose attention has taken up the theme of service.” (1)
The Light of Taurus ~ The Penetrating Light of the Path ~ assists us in attaining the Shamballa alignment required to evoke the spiritual energies of the Wesak ritual. Effectively, the Wesak cycle each year offers the opportunity for all to align more fully to Divine Purpose. By doing so and in group formation, we may be impressed with the revelation of the Divine Plan for our upcoming service.
It is the immediate and imminent probability of … world reconstruction and [the] coming of the Christ which are held in mind at the annual recurrence of the Wesak Festival, each full moon of Taurus. [We] can thus set up a current of aspiration and a vortex of force which will have a vital appeal and which will call forth a definite response (in the spiritual significance of the term) from Those Who seek to aid. (2)
Electric fire relates to the Will aspect of deity and manifests as Unity of Spirit. As Watchers of the Dawn we are called to Wield this force through the Principle of Decision, by aligning with and directing the incoming flow of energies to reveal the Synthesis of Life Itself. All are valuable in this endeavor.
During this potent phase of the annual journey, our meditation theme integrates our awareness and assimilation of the zodiacal energies of the Lighted Way, and these united efforts bring us ever closer to our Divine Destiny.
We remain open in to renewed potential for Divine Embodiment as may manifest through the invocative appeal of humanity, foretold in the Doctrine of the Coming One and linked to the teachings of every world religion.
We are advised to open our hearts and minds and to find the points of agreement and strengthen them, recognizing that all spiritual paths lead to the same place. When we can cooperate and respect our diversity, we see all expressions as Divine and as aspects of the Plan. We see all as the Path.
The Wesak Festival
The Wesak Festival is in recognition of a present living event. It takes place … whilst some great and heavenly event is going on, and it is in the nature of a participating ceremony. This heavenly event takes place annually at the time of the full moon of Taurus … and at that event there is release upon Earth (according to the measure of man’s demand) the blessing of God Himself, transmitted through the Buddha and His Brother, the Christ. (3)
The Wesak Festival is spiritually held to be the supreme moment in the annual cycle, when the Buddha and the Christ come together for this sacred ritual. At the pivotal moment of the full moon in Taurus, there is opportunity to share in the emerging “high water-mark of spiritual blessing in the world.”(4)
The Wesak Festival is a display of spiritual unity: the Buddha, the Light, bestows the blessing from Shamballa on all humanity, through the Christ, representing the Love aspect. This is a most auspicious time for humanity and our spiritual growth, and offers an opportunity to recognize the Essential Divinity in all beings of all faiths.
The Taurus Full Moon Festival is an opportunity to meditate and honor the blessings that come to all of humanity at this time. It is especially important now to appreciate the unity in our diversity, as groups of all faiths everywhere on the planet unite to invoke the Divine. In the Wesak event, the synthesis of Love and Will is further manifested in our world.
… the importance of the Wesak Festival at the time of the Full Moon of May, because it not only objectively links the major Eastern religion with the major Western faith, but because it esoterically provides the key to the open door between Shamballa and the Hierarchy, between the purpose of God (still unidentified by man, owing to his relatively low stage of evolution which makes it beyond human comprehension at present) and the method of God, which is love; it provides also the link between the Buddha, temporarily embodying will-wisdom, and the Christ, embodying love-wisdom, and also between humanity, focussed in consciousness through the Christ, and the Hierarchy, focussed in consciousness through the Buddha. Owing to the stress of humanity today and the urgency of the response which that distress evokes in the Hierarchy, the synthesis of these two reactions to the world crisis can prove adequate to bring in that outside assistance which could end the conflict along right lines and bring not only relief, but illumination to the human consciousness. (5)
We, as a worldwide group, participate in a grid of light all over planet Earth that connects the light of every Lightworker and each sacred energy vortex. Together we form the Chalice ~ the Holy Grail prepared to receive the outpouring of blessings from on High.
At the Wesak Full Moon Festival, together with the assembled spiritual Hierarchy, this light grid of humanity as the Chalice is imbued with the new incoming energies ~ the annual Blessing of the Buddha. Then next month at the Goodwill Full Moon Festival, these blended energies will be distributed to those groups, individuals and forces actively involved in the Healing of the Nations.
Throughout the month of Wesak, may we prepare for and experience this dynamic event on the planet, as it transpires in expression.
The appearance of the Christ, and His emergence into manifestation, will date from a certain Wesak Festival at which a Great Invocation will be pronounced by the Buddha, Who will thus release divine force and prepare the way for His great Brother, thus assisting Him to carry out His mission. (6)
Our work is based on the writings of the Tibetan Master Djwal Khul as recorded by Alice Bailey. For more information on the writings of Djwal Khul, The Great Invocation, and the New Group of World Servers see:
Please connect with the group soul this Full Moon no matter where you are physically on the planet. Get together with friends and family. You will be glad that you did. Come on over to our place Saturday evening and celebrate with us, or celebrate wherever you are.
The Hierophant is the Tarot card for Taurus. He is the Master of Ceremonies and officiates at the Initiation of the Disciple into the Mysteries. Remember that the bull has been always associated with the Goddess and the Ancient Mysteries.
In the midst of all the transitions please remember to breathe and know that the Planetary Elders are in charge. Now is a very good time to find the calm center within each of us. There is a plan. It is Light and Love. It is working out – sealing the door where evil dwells. Light and Love and Power are restoring the plan on Earth. So mote it be. And so it is.
Namaste. Mitakuye Oyasin.
Pax Vobiscum.
Clay and Mary Ellen Uptain
4105 Woodbine Place
Rapid City, SD
From Main Street at the Gap take Jackson Boulevard south to Canyon Lake Drive. Look for the Common Cents Convenience Store. Turn right onto Canyon Lake Drive. Go five short blocks, one street past Minnekahta. Turn right into Woodbine, and ours is the second house on the right – 4105. Our street is a half block long with no through exit.