It is the Full Moon Happy Birthday of the Buddha

MONDAY, MAY 16, 2011, 6:30 PM
This month we will celebrate the FULL MOON IN TAURUS on Monday, May 16th at 6:30 pm at our home. We will begin with a potluck meal. The Full Moon of Taurus is the second of the three major Full Moon Festivals each year. It is the Festival of the Buddha and the high ceremony time of year for Shamballa, the Planetary Elders, and the disciples of the Ageless Wisdom. The keynote for Taurus is:
“I See and When the Eye is Opened all is Illumined”
Please connect with the group soul this Full Moon no matter where you are physically on the planet. Get together with friends and family. You will be glad that you did. The actual Full Moon is on Tuesday, May 17th, at 5:10 am Mountain Daylight Time. Come on over to our place or celebrate wherever you are. Let us affirm that there is Peace in the world and that the honey bees are returning. Remember that we will also be starting our first class on Buddhism in the Lighting the Lantern series on Wednesday, May 11th. On that same day both Venus and Mercury will be making a very significant conjunction to Jupiter in Aries. Mars made the same conjunction to Jupiter on April 30th. We have a very unusual configuration of four planets together right now in Aries. And you know that nothing of  importance has happened in this past week. Really?

So we send special prayers to all of our relatives in the Mideast that are demanding their freedom. May they be free and released from suffering. May they know peace and may all their children have good food to eat. We align with the Buddha of Compassion, Djwal Khul, and Bodhidharma in making these intentions.
Goodwill is Love in Action.”
Brother Robert Wilkinson:
“The Full Moon represents a potentially enlightened state, where the Moon (form) is in the perfect position to reflect the greater light of the Sun. It begins a time of fulfilling the seed state of the New Moon. The Full Moon of Taurus Sun and Scorpio Moon is special in a major way, since for centuries it has been celebrated as the birth and enlightenment Moon of the Buddha, said to be the first human to fully transcend suffering and live to teach us the truths he found. It is the 2nd of the “Three High Moons” of Spring, and anchors the outpouring of life into a form that can help us transcend suffering as well. To quote from last year’s Wesak Festival post: 

Every year, the Wesak Festival is celebrated at the Full Moon of Taurus-Scorpio in May. This global festival celebrates the birth, enlightenment, and teachings of the Buddha, said to be the most enlightened human ever to walk this planet. He taught the doctrine of compassion and the  ways to end suffering around 500 BC, and his teachings have spread through the entire world since then. This is the largest spiritual celebration in the world, and has nothing to do with religion, since the Buddha was focused on how to live, not what to believe….”

For more insightful and important articles on all the planets in Aries, the Full Moon Wesak Festival, and many others go to:
Our work is based on the writings of the Tibetan Master Djwal Khul as recorded by Alice Bailey. For more information on the writings of Djwal Khul, The Great Invocation, and the three annual major Full Moon Festivals see:


Finally, here is the monthly information from the good people at

Taurus ~ Fulfillment of Purpose ~ Meditation Focus

Wesak Festival of Shamballa Calendar

2011 Taurus Festival Global Meditation
Wesak ~ Festival of Shamballa
Tuesday, May 17 at 5:09 am MDT (11:09 UT)

One way to participate in observing this global festival is to join us in the daily meditation focus presented in our month-long Fulfillment of Purpose Calendar, based on

Embrace the Unknown … Fulfillment of Purpose

Knowing Our Purpose Reveals Our Direction
Knowing Our Direction Reveals Our Purpose

You are encouraged to continue with this meditation focus throughout the lunar cycle of the upcoming full moon in Taurus~Scorpio, through Wednesday, June 1.


Namaste.                    Mitakuye Oyasin.                     Pax Vobiscum.

Douglas Clayton Uptain
Mary Ellen Uptain
4105 Woodbine Place
Rapid City, SD

From Main Street at the Gap take Jackson Boulevard south to Canyon Lake Park. At the corner of Jackson Boulevard and Canyon Lake Drive, turn right onto Canyon Lake Drive.  Go five short blocks on the right side to Woodbine Place, which is on the curve.  It is gravel, with a dead-end sign at the entrance. Turn right onto Woodbine, and ours is the second house on the right.

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